Choosing Courses

Students are sometimes confused about which Computer Science classes to take. The graphic down below shows various computer science course sequences.

A pathway consists of a sequence of courses designed to allow a student to build a certain set of skills. The Computer Science Academy at Westhill (CSAW) offers students an opportunity to get recognition on their high school transcripts if they complete their Computer Science Pathway. 

POssible Computer Science Pathways

Requirements for CS Pathway at CSAW

Students who complete 3.5 computer science credits with a B- average or better during their 4 years at Westhill will have completed CSAW's Computer Science Pathway. This completion shall result in a Concentration in Computer Science being acknowledged on the student's high school transcript. If three or more courses are honors or AP-level courses (and a student maintains a B- average or better on the computer science courses taken), the acknowledgement shall be upgraded to Concentration in Computer Science with Honors. More information about the requirements for transcript recognition in computer science may be found in the Stamford Public School's Course of Studies catalog. 

Which Starter Course to Take

All Honors-level students should start with AP CSP as their first computer science class (including Freshman). For all other students, the choice will be between Python A and Intro to CS. The Intro to CS course is based on block programming and, as such, provides a gentler introduction to programming. 

Which AP Course to take

If you are thinking about taking an AP Computer Science class at Westhill, this section will help you decide between AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A. 

How Hard are ap computer science exams

By their nature, all AP exams are difficult. Students may be wondering about the relative difficulty levels between the AP Computer Science A exam and the AP Computer Science Principles exam. In previous studies, students have consistently voted AP Physics C to be the most difficult of all AP exams. AP Computer Science A has historically placed second in the difficulty ratings in this poll.

Based on feedback from students who took the AP CSP exam in May of 2017, the multiple choice portion of AP CSP exam is significantly less challenging than most other AP exams. Here is Mr. Sarkar's opinion on the relative overall difficulty of the various CS courses offered at Westhill.

Optional placement exam

Still not sure which course to take first at CSAW? Consider taking the optional Placement Exam in the fall. The results of this exam can help you make a decision about which course to take first.