Summer Assignments

Only the CSAW Courses listed below, have summer assignments. Other CSAW courses shown on the home page of this site do not currently have summer work. 

data structures

Your summer assignment for Data Structures consists of the following:

AP Computer science A

Required: Your summer assignment is to create a free account for yourself on and then to complete at least 85% of the "CS Fundamentals: Express Course" on this site. You can use either your school or your personal gmail account to create your account.

Note that you must be logged into while completing the problems in order to receive credit. At the beginning of the school year your instructor will check to see how much of this course you have completed. The result will form a large portion of your Q1 homework grade.

The estimated time required to finish this assignment is 20 hours. It is best to do a few hours each week instead of marathon sessions near the end of the summer.

If you get stuck on a problem, simply move on as you are not required to complete every single item. However, if you want help in deciphering a problem, you can email Mr. Sarkar at over the summer at any time.

Optional: AP Computer Science A is an academically challenging course. You are invited to register for the free, on-line text book by going to Runestone and creating a free account at this on-line textbook publisher. (If they ask for a donation, you can just say, "no.") Then register for the following course: WESTHILLCSA2024

Once registered for this course, feel free to work through this interactive textbook and complete as many of the units as you wish over the summer. We will work through this textbook in order and will complete all 10 units during the academic year.